Catherine Burri from SwitzerlandSalman Tasbek from TurkeyKatja Baltromei, Vize-President and Managing Director of the German Amateur-ClubFegentri President Elie Hennau in front of the Board (from left): Dr. Christian von Ballmoos (SWI), Dr. Franco Castelfranchi (ITA), Gerard de Chevigny (FRA), Don Yovanovich (USA)Fatma Al Manji represents Oman at the General Assembly in Pisa, with left Inge Drews and Don Rafael Martinez from SpainDr. Franco Castelfranchi from ItalyThe norwegian Delegates Sissel Tangen and Emily Finckenhagen with Anna Öhgren from SwedenTeam Norway: Sissel Tangen and Emily Finckenhagen(from left) Andrea Zanoboni, Andrea Picchi, Domenico D’Alò, Enrico QuerciThe participants of the 63. General Assembly in Pisa / ItalyGroup photo in the boardroom of the GAElie Hennau with General Secretary Agnés SibersAndrea Picchi from Italy with Domenico D’AlòGonzague Cottreau and Freddie Tett represents the Gentlemens LeaqueGérard de Chevigny, President of the French Amateur Club and Board Member with Gonzague Cottreau (left) and Freddie TettAndrea Picchi, President of A.G.R.I, Dr. Franco Castelfranchi, Board Member, Fegentri President Elie Hennau and xxxFresh from the press: the Fegentri Annual 2017
Gala Dinner & Champions Award Ceremony of the Longines World Fegentri Championship 2018
The Longines World Fegentri Champions 2017: Sara Vermeersch, Belgium and Thomas Guineheux, FranceJuan-Carlos Capelli, Vice President of Longines honors the Longines World Fegentri Champions 2017Fegentri President Elie Hennau welcomes the guests of the gala dinner(from right): Vice-President of Longines, Juan-Carlos Capelli, Sara Vermeersch (BEL), new honorary president of Fegentri Nathalie Belinguier, Thomas Guineheux (FRA), Fegentri President Elie Hennau, General Secretary of Fegentri Agnes SibersElie Hennau with the Longines World Fegentri Champions 2017