Fegentri Championship Jump Race in Fontainebleau/France – Pictures

From left: Secretary General of Fegentri Manuela Tournier, Mr A. Gilibert, President of the racecourse of Compiègne, Mr Landon, the president of the Fontainebleau racecourse, Fegentri President Nathalie Belinguier, winning jockey Maxime Denuault, Madame Secly, Gérard de Chevigny, President of the French Amateur Club and Hans Engblom, Board Member of the Fegentri and President of the Swedish Amateur Club

From left: Mr A. Gilibert, Mr Landon, Gérard de Chevigny, Nathalie Belinguier, Maxime Denuault, Madame Secly, Don Jovanovic, Fegentri Board Member and Executive Director of the American Amateur Association, Hans Engblom, Manuela Tournier and the wife of Hans Engblom, Ylva