55th General Assembly of Fegentri in Newbridge (Ireland) February 6th, 2010
First impressions of the 55th General Assembly in Newbridge (Ireland) on February 6th, 2010

William Flood welcomes the international Fegentri guests of 13 different countries in the name of the Irish Turf Club.

Fegentri Board at the General Assembly in Newbridge, Ireland
from left ot right:
Cecilia Gatta, Helene Louise Marwell-Hauge,
Rafael Martinez, Thierry Lohest (Vice-President), Nathalie Bélinguier (President), Susanna Santesson (General Secretary), Sarah Oliver, Yves von Ballmoos

55th Fegentri General Assembly on February 6th in Ireland

Fegentri Board at the General Assembly in Ireland

Susanna Santesson, General Secretary of Fegentri, awarding Fegentri World Champion Marian Falk Weissmeier on the 55th Fegentri Gala in Newbridge, Co.Kildare, Ireland

Susanna Santesson and Susan Leahy, President of the Qualified Riders Association of Ireland with Bernard Condren as Master Of Ceremony at the Fegentri Gala Dinner in Ireland

Trophies for Fegentri World Champions and riders placed in the Championship

Group photo at the Fegentri Gala:
from left:
Marian Falk Weissmeier (Germany) Fegentri World Champion of Gentlemen Rider 2009, Nathalie Bélinguier, President of Fegnetri, Nadine Gratz (Germany), Fegentri World Champion of Lady Riders 2009, Catherine Burri (Switzerland), III. Place in the Fegentri World Championship for Lady Riders, Susanna Santesson, General Secretary of Fegentri, Ian Chanin (on behalf of Fegentri Vice-World Champion Claire Allen – England), Andrew Doyle (Ireland) III. Place in the World Championship and Susan Leahy, President of the Qualified Riders’ Association of Ireland.

Don Yovanovich, Chief Executive of the Amateur Riders’ Club of America awards the Fegentri World Champion of Gentlemen Riders Marian Falk Weissmeier with the Silver Spur Obstacle for his World Championship Jump

Thierry Lohest, Vice-President of Fegentri and President of the Belgium Amateur Club presents the Vermeille Spur to Nathalie Bélinguier, President of Fegentri, on behalf of Florent Guy from France, Fegentri Vice-World Champion and World Champion Flat

Susan Leahy, President of the Qualified Riders’ Association of Ireland, presents the Bronze Spur to Andrew Doyle for his third place in the Fegentri World Championship

Nathalie Bélinguier, President of Fegentri, presents the Gold Spur to Nadine Gratz from Germany, Fegentri World Champion of Lady Riders

Dr. Philip Pritchard, Vice-President of the Amateur Jockey Association of Great Britain, presents the Vermeille Spur to Ian Chanin from England on behalf of Claire Allen, Fegentri Vice-World Champion of Lady Riders

A special award to Catherine Burri, Switzerland, who received the “Friendship Price” presented by Nathalie Bélinguier, President of Fegentri

Bruno Sigrist, President of the Swiss Amateur Club, awards Catherine Burri from Switzerland for her III. Place in the Fegentri World Championship for Lady Riders

Susan Leahy, President of the Qualified Riders’ Association who hosted the 55th Fegentri General Assembly celebrated also her birthday on the same day. Thomas Carberry, General Secretary of the Qualified Riders’ Club congratulated.

55th Fegentri General Assembly Gala

55th Fegentri General Assembly Gala

55th Fegentri General Assembly Gala

Denis Egan, Chief Executive of the Irish Turf Club receives a gift by Nathalie Bélinguier, President of Fegentri

Susan Leahy, President of the Qualified Riders’ Association of Ireland and Nathalie Bélinguier, President of Fegentri

Susan Leahy, President of the Qualified Riders’ Association of Ireland and Susanna Santesson, General Secretary of Fegentri

Susan Leahy, President of the Qualified Riders’ Association of Ireland and Thierry Lohest, President of the Belgium Amateur Club and Vice-President of Fegentri